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International Archaeology Day: Challenging stereotypes about migration

European Geosciences Blog
October 2023
On occasion of International Archaeology Day coming up this 21st October, I’d like to reflect upon another stereotype rooted in archaeology that has real repercussions in today’s charged global geopolitical landscape — migration.
Writ in stone: Do you know India’s geoheritage sites of Jhamarkotra and Zawar?

The Hindu
March 2023
In Rajasthan, Jhamarkotra hosts a 1.8-billion-year-old fossil park and Zawar is the world’s oldest zinc-smelting site — and these sites are in need of better protection. Read on to know how we can acknowledge and conserve these geoheritage sites.
Illustrated: Message in a (plastic) bottle

Words: Devayani Khare,
Illustrations: Sumita Nanda
The Ganges is among the top contributors of land-based plastic pollution into global oceans – the river serves as a conduit for terrestrial waste ending up in marine ecosystems. Here's an illustrated look at the river pollution along the sacred Ganges.
PlastiCities: the role of grassroots initiatives in waste management

Mongabay India
February 2022
Grassroots organisations that work at the intersection between the formal and informal sectors are important. Here are some lessons we can learn for a decentralised, cost-efficient blueprint for waste management in India.
Pipe Dreams: stories of Bengaluru's water supply

Geobites Blog
November 2021
Can a pipeline that runs through an urban landscape weave narratives of water usage through space and time? Read more about the urban and rural divide, the urban sprawl, the pre-colonial water management & the scarcity faced today.
Where rivers flow: India's catchment crisis

Geobites Blog
August 2020
How exactly can rivers meet ecological & human needs? This article talks about the eco-hydrological footprint of 4 rivers of Uttara Kannada, South India, and how an integrated river basin management programme can help mitigate water crises across India.
Rivers of Memory: India

Geobites Blog
June 2020
Ever wondered if rivers have memories? In geomorphology, rivers are considered to bear an imprint of the past, still discernible in the landscape. This article talks about six types of river basin in India, and the clues they offer to the past, and present.
The North-Western Ghats as a research niche

Jottings Blog
July 2017
The lesser-studied, yet biogeographically significant portion of the Western Ghats hotspot—the northern Western Ghats have been throwing up a fair few surprises for researchers. This article focuses on the discoveries and efforts, and future research potential of the region.